94 AGNI PURANAM. adore the great gooddess of prosperity Sree, Garuda, the spiritual guide, Indra and other deities, With the mantram Aum and Hrim one should. adore the form and seat of Saraswati (23). Then Hrit, Lakshoai, Medha, KalS, Tusti, Pushti, Gouri, PrabhSvati, Durg§, Gana, Guru and Kshetrapa should be worshipped (24). Thetf-^he should say, " Gam, salutation unto the Lord of Ganas, Hrim unto Gouri, Shrim unto Sri, Shrim unto Twarita, Sou onto Tripura" (25). All the man trams should be preceded by Pranava (Om) added Vindu to it, either while offering adorations or performing Japa (26). Celebrating a Ho ma with sessamum seed and clarified butter he who reads these mantrams of adoration, yeilding religious profit, desire, worldly profit and salvation, repairs to heaven after having enjoyed all the objects of desire (27) CHAPTER XXIL IARADA said:—I will now describe the mode of bathing [necessary before the performance of] any religious rite. Meditating on the man-lion form one should take up a clod 01 earth. And dividing it into two pieces he should with rate bathe bb Eaisd (l). Immersing himself in water, rinsing his iiKMJtb, and arranging his hairs, he should, protected by tfce lion, perfonB the dae rite of bathiqg preceeded by Pranayama* (2). Meditating on Hari in his heart with the mantras* consistiag of eight fetters be sboold divide the * A Yogic process of the so&xessxm of li